We have a tutorial session via Bluetooth communication between Arduino and computing are going to see In order for us to do that , a reasonable price we are going to use the court 06bluetooth board. We had some data to the stream , so that you need to build a simple Arduino sensor circuit are going to . Why not try to project our light sensor.
Once we have some data to send , we need to connect the Bluetooth board
Arduino side , the connecting wires
•A black wire to one of the GND pins
•A blue wire to digital pin 1 (usually marked TX for "transmit")
•A red wire from the 5v pin on the Arduino
•An orange wire to digital pin 0 (usually marked RX for "receive")
•A black wire to one of the GND pins
The red and black wires , Bluetooth Arduino board will provide power to the blue wire outgoing data and incoming data will bring the orange wire .
Step 2: Voltage divider
There's a problem.(Arduinos out there are many ) that we are using a 5V Arduino board , but the Bluetooth board input and output pins are only 3.3 volts . We send 5 volts to the Bluetooth board , then it would probably burn out .
For this reason , we have a " voltage divider " the need to build something - it's basically the Bluetooth board and (GND pin ) through the back rest to the Arduino to send something , two voltage divider that is a simple circuit .
Voltage divider resistors to build two are going to need . That one needs to be twice that of the other - except in the value of the resistors does not matter . We use a 200k resistor and a 100k resistor are . As shown in the picture with wire resistors :
•A black wire connected to the larger resistor (200k) - this black wire should lead back to any of the GND pins on the Arduino.
•A white wire connected to both resistors.The blue wire from the Arduino connected to the smaller resistor (100k).
WARNING: As shown in the picture , or you risk damaging your Bluetooth board just as sure to wire their circuits !
Step 3: How can wired up your Bluetooth board
As shown in the picture for us to provide a safe input signal is a voltage divider that , we can wire the Court 06 Bluetooth board :
•Connect the white wire from the voltage divider to the RX pin on the bluetooth board
•Connect the black GND wire from the Arduino to the GND pin on the bluetooth board
•Connect the orange wire from the Arduino to the TX pin on the bluetooth board
•Connect the red (5v) wire from the Arduino to the VCC pin on the bluetooth board
Step 4: Pair your computer with the Bluetooth board
We Arduino and the computer before starting the dialogue between the two needs to be added .
This process will depend on the operating system you are using - check their documentation for information
Bluetooth board is powered up and is looking for , so that should be on your Arduino
Step 5: Select the Bluetooth serial connection
If your computer is paired with your Bluetooth board once , a new Bluetooth serial port Arduino IDE " port " will appear in the menu . This name is usually the name of the Bluetooth device will include ( in the photo above gives you we 've got boards that can see several HC- 06 ) .
Select the Bluetooth serial port from your ports list.
This time has been , (Serial. println use functions ) Arduino sent any data to be received by your computer via Bluetooth .
Step 6: Connect via Serial Monitor
Open Arduino by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the top right of the window " Serial Monitor " above . Serial monitoring should look like over - " 9600 baud " window that has been selected in the dropdown menu below to make sure . Now any data appearing in the window that is being sent from your Arduino to be able to see it.
Step 7: Enjoy
Everything worked, so you should be able to receive data wirelessly from the Arduino. Equally, you also can send data wirelessly to your Arduino computing. It normally Serial Monitor can be used. Alternatively, you with your Arduino via serial communication that can write desktop applications.
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